
Showing posts with the label Octavia Butler

The Astrology of Octavia Butler

Note: This post was originally written in June 2015 “I began writing about power because I had so little”  –  Octavia Butler Last month (June) was Octavia Butler’s birthday. I planned on posting something about her yesterday, but got sidetracked by some other things. There was no birth time available for Octavia so I chose noon. Being the amazing writer that she was I wanted to see how her Mercury functions within her chart. Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed.  Mercury ,  Venus  and the  Moon  are quite strong in her chart as well as  Uranus. It doesn’t surprise me that she was such an amazing writer and creative force with these two planets ( Uranus/Mercury ) prominent in her chart.Uranus is very much associated with sci-fi and progressive thinking (Octavia explored issues such as race, gender and religion) Uranus is the avant-garde, quirkiness; the individual that thinks outside of the box and is often an  outsider . Often thos...